How My Eighties Barbarian Movie Obsession Still Resonates

I write romance. I like to think it’s romance with heart and enough steam to compete with a hot mug of tea and keep those pages turning. So, I’m going to talk about what influenced me to march down this path. First, I was heavily influenced by all the fantastic romance authors of my day, Johanna Lindsey (greatly missed), Jude Deveraux, and Julie Garwood to name a few.

We’re talking, sexy, Fabianesque, badass, cinnamon roll heroes whether wearing tartan, business suits, or armor and engaging in all the exciting tropes of today, and maybe a few forgotten ones of yesterday–and the strong women who cleverly persuaded them to change their ways.

Remember the movie Romancing the Stone–the opening scene when Joan Wilder bawls like a baby and can’t find anything in the apartment to blow her nose after she finishes her novel? I wanted to experience that… and crying after writing an emotional scene or ending is real folks. Awesome!

I need to try those noise-canceling headphones.

In my youth, my favorite place to get lost in a good romance novel was climbing my way around to a remote ledge along the Pacific Ocean at places like Salt Point or Timber Cove. My parents were scuba divers and they’d be out all day freezing in their wetsuits while I cozied up in a rocky alcove with a bottle of pop and a bag of sunflower seeds, the ocean spread out before me and the surf crashing below my dangling feet. Often, whole families of seals would be lounging near my spot, and a grey whale would spout so close I could see the barnacles on its back. If I wanted to cry at the end, no one could hear me. It was heaven.

Salt Point State Park, California

But my stories must also be steeped in fantasy and paranormal lore. This brings me to the other side of my romance coin–the influence that came from my obsession with muscle-bound barbarians in the delightful, violent, and sexy eighties movies… thank you Schwarzy for blazing the trail.

Conan The Barbarian, Conan The Destroyer, and Red Sonja taught me that fantasy can take you anywhere you want to go in a plot. Yes, they might have come with lots of cheese, but it’s all in the perspective. Great actors like Max Von Sydow and James Earl Jones elevated the cheesy pizza grade movie to a steak dinner in my book. Enjoy all three movie trailers in this YouTube video.

Do you remember the other lesser enduring flicks like the one starring another of my favorite eighties hunks, Mark Singer, in The Beastmaster? I’m providing it below. Watch if you dare. 😉 I’d even consider my all time favorite fantasy flick, Willow, to be in the barbarian realm, and all the Highlander movies. Seems like where we had magic, we had to have barbarian hordes. This is the stuff of fantasy world building for me.

People think I’m crazy when I tell them I love being my age. But hey, it means that I got to spend decades steeped in all of the above while watching and being part of the exciting romantasy genre taking over the fiction landscape of today. Barbarians still have a role to play in romance and many of them have moved into space. I’m not surprised. It’s harder to imagine fierce horse cultures and warrior races clashing over territory across the vast steppes of the Earth we have today. So, why not fly off to unknown planets? That’s what I’m doing in a novel I have in the works, Caged Diamond.

Stay tuned for the story of MMA fighter Justina “Diamond” Jewel Blake who’s forced to fight for a planetary syndicate and the barbarian warrior she’s pitted against. You can follow me here and subscribe to my newsletter for updates.

I’ll leave you with a sci fi romance reading recommendation. A romance writer who brings to mind my old faves is Zoey Draven. Her Horde Kings of Dakkar series is a romping lot of fun and full of suspense. Here’s the first in the series.


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5 responses to “How My Eighties Barbarian Movie Obsession Still Resonates”

  1. Kymber Hawke Avatar
    Kymber Hawke

    I loved The Beastmaster and Highlander back in the day. LOL I’m so glad you brought them up because it brings up fond memories.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bydllewellyn Avatar

      Oh awesome! 😄 I didn’t think anyone would know what I was talking about, at least when it came to Mark Singer. 😆

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kymber Hawke Avatar
        Kymber Hawke

        Right? Mark Singer…. I think I saw that movie a thousand times. LOLOL

        Liked by 1 person

      2. bydllewellyn Avatar

        That beats my record 😄

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Kymber Hawke Avatar
        Kymber Hawke

        Hahaha 😀 🤣😋


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D. L. Lewellyn is an independent author writing fantasy paranormal romance every chance she gets. A passion for writing took her by surprise in 2021 following a summer of voracious pandemic-induced reading in a new favorite genre, paranormal romance.​ Besides self-publishing The Starlight Chronicles novels, her stories have found homes in anthologies published by Dragon Soul Press, and many more are in the works. Ask anyone who knows her, and they’ll tell you she’s a dedicated multi-crafter. She also enjoys blogging, chatting with authors and other creators on her monthly Sunday Spotlight, and classic cinema nights with her husband, dogs, and a big bowl of popcorn.

“I cried, I laughed, and I was angry. The ride was so worth it! This series was my introduction to reading this genre. I have found this to be some of the best writing, story telling and follow through on all character paths of any prior reading of any genre.”

Kindle customer review of The Starlight Chronicles, Tigris Vetus.

A Website.