Sunday Spotlight with USA Today Bestselling Paranormal Romance Author Carrie Pulkinen

Early in my epic fantasy romance journey, I discovered this paranormal romance author and her amazing storytelling that keeps the pages turning, those surprise laughs coming, and the heat pulsing. Yum!

Let’s meet the author

I’ve always been fascinated with the paranormal. Of course, when you grow up next door to a cemetery, the dead (and the undead) are hard to ignore. Pair that with my love of a good happily-ever-after, and becoming a paranormal author seems like the logical choice!

I love ghosts, psychics, werewolves, vampires, demons, and even the occasional guardian angel. If it’s paranormal, I’ve probably written about it…or at least considered writing about it.

In my past life, I was a high school journalism teacher. But after ten years of teaching other people how to write, I decided to stay home with my kids and write my own stories in my free time. When I’m not writing or reading books about writing, you’ll find me reading paranormal romances, thrillers, romantic suspense, YA, and middle grade fantasy (I have a teen and a tween who love to read. It’s fun to discuss books with them!).

I love red wine and chocolate, and I can make a mean mojito. I like movies, I’m passionate about traveling, and I might have a mild Dave and Buster’s addiction. I’m married to a tall sexy Dutch guy with piercing blue eyes and a swoon-worthy accent. He also shares my enthusiasm for D&B!

In addition to my two human children, I also have two fur babies who swear they’re chihuahuas (but at 12 & 18 pounds respectively, I’m not so sure).

Let’s Get Started

I am thrilled to have you join me today, Carrie! Thank you so much for taking a break from your super-packed schedule to chat with me and share your insights with our audience. First, congratulations on your new cover designs for your earlier series and your recent releases! You are on fire!

You’re also the first paranormal romance author I read before I caught the fever–the best fever anyone can catch. And I attribute it to Luke in Werewolves Only. Shifters… sigh…

CP. That’s a tough one! I think for the women, I would have to choose witches. I really enjoy the magic aspect with the ability to control the elements and cast spells. For the men, it’s a toss-up between wolf shifters and demons. I like them being able to growl and claim you as their mate.

DLL. Nuff said! 😁 Especially about the growly part.

CP. I started writing fiction in 2009 (inspired by Twilight like a lot of us were at the time). I had been writing for newspapers and businesses for ages, and writing novels always seemed impossible. My friends encouraged me to try, so I did. Now I have thirty published books!

I was first published through a small press that has since gone out of business. When I got my rights back from them, I tried another small press but decided I’d rather have complete control over the process. I went indie, and I haven’t looked back!

Tips for brand new authors… Read, read, read. Learn the craft to the best of your ability and read as many books as you can in the genre you want to write. Every niche has certain expectations, and you can’t twist things and make them your own until you learn what readers want. 

DLL. This is all encouraging for those of us going the indie route who think about traditional publication. I’ve watched you build your brand for a while now, and have learned a lot, especially about consistency and staying in touch. Thanks, Carrie!

CP. I noticed when I would read or watch movies, no matter the genre, I would always be disappointed if there wasn’t at least a little bit of romance in there. I’m a sucker for a happily ever after, even if the romance is a minor plot point, so yeah, I guess romance is my first love…as long as there are some creatures and magic thrown in the mix!

CP. I mentioned Twilight before, so Stephenie Meyer played a big role in my becoming an author. But Lara Adrian’s Midnight Breed series were the first adult paranormal romances I ever read. Her books are the ones that made me go ooohhhhh…I want to do this! Another favorite of mine is Heather Graham.

DLL. Awesome. Thanks! Twilight got me going too, only I was quite a late bloomer. The others are on my TBR!

CP. I am a total pantser, so giving advice on a formula is next to impossible for me. Most of the time, I don’t know what’s going to happen until the characters tell me.

DLL. Pantser here too… It’s why I started writing. For the adventure…

CP. Now why would you ask me that? It’s like asking who’s my favorite child! Lol.

I supposed if I had to choose a hero, I would go with Sean from Love and Ghosts. He’s artistic, in touch with his emotions, and just overall a swoon-worthy man. Although Gaston from New Orleans Nocturnes will always have a special place in my heart.

For the heroine, maybe Ash from Fire Witches of Salem. She’s very relatable to me, and I had so much fun writing from her point of view. I also love Odette from A Deal With Death. She is such a strong woman, and the things she has to go through to get her HEA would crumble most people.

DLL. 😁 After Luke in Werewolves Only, I would have picked Sean. The only thing better than reading swoon-worthy is writing it–what a surprise that was.

I just finished the first New Orleans Nocturnes installment, Chaos and Ash. I love Ash! What a fantastic dynamic… Chaos vs an orderly librarian. Sizzling hot! Can’t wait to dive into Commanding Chaos (Love the titles!) Your covers are looking fabulous and I love the fonts.

CP. Much like how I write, I don’t really plan my publishing. My life has been hectic (that’s putting it lightly) for the past year or so, and I try not to set expectations for myself when there is a good chance I won’t meet them. I published three books last year, but there was a time (a long time) when I didn’t think I’d publish anything.

This year, I am shooting for at least three (the second trilogy in Fire Witches of Salem), but four would be nice!

DLL. Good luck!!

CP. The one tool that has helped me the most is an app called Focus Keeper. It’s a timer that uses the Pomodoro method. So I set it and write for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, write for 25, etc. That goes on for two hours, and then you take a half-hour break. When I can make myself use it, then I’m pretty productive.

DLL. Wow! Great tip. I haven’t heard of that.

CP. I share a lot of memes on my Facebook page, so I made the group so readers could share them too. I’ve realized that my sense of humor has become my brand, and the readers who follow me on Facebook share the same dark, twisted idea of funny as me! 

Dark Romance Humor

CP. Setting and world-building are important aspects of my books. So many are set in New Orleans because it is my favorite city to visit and I have been there dozens of times.

For Fire Witches of Salem, I took a trip to Salem to experience the city first-hand so that I could hopefully bring it to life like I do with my New Orleans books. 

So I incorporate real aspects of the cities, and then embellish them, making them more magical.

DLL. What a blast. Thanks, Carrie. Exploring your settings—Another fun aspect of writing fiction.

CP. Absolutely! He is my biggest fan! He beta reads them when they are in a rough state, and then he proofreads the finished product to make sure we didn’t miss any typos in the editing process.

DLL. Fantastic!! My husband is great for bouncing ideas off of, especially for weapons and battle questions. He also reads a lot of my material… But a whole romance book? We don’t go there.😉

CP. I heard a quote once, and I wish I could remember who said it so I could give them credit. “Writing a first draft is like shoveling sand into a sandbox to build castles with later.” Keep on writing, even if you feel like it’s garbage. You can always fix it later.

DLL. Awesome! Thank you for that. And I found that great quote. It’s from author Shannon Hale. You nailed it! Here it is so we can all tack it up on our project board.

You can stay posted on Carrie’s website, sign up for her newsletter, and follow her on Facebook, TikTok, Goodreads, and BookBub.


My blogs are me, coming up for air… When I have musings I want to share… When I think, hey! You might care about an idea you also might share.


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2 responses to “Sunday Spotlight with USA Today Bestselling Paranormal Romance Author Carrie Pulkinen”

  1. nicolaslemieuxxyz Avatar

    Cool interview. Great tip with the Focus Keeper! I heard of the pomodoro method, but never really used it. Now I want to give it a go!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bydllewellyn Avatar

      Thanks, Nicolas! 😀 Isn’t that an interesting idea? I need a way to make myself step away and take breaks.

      Liked by 1 person

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D. L. Lewellyn is an independent author writing fantasy paranormal romance every chance she gets. A passion for writing took her by surprise in 2021 following a summer of voracious pandemic-induced reading in a new favorite genre, paranormal romance.​ Besides self-publishing The Starlight Chronicles novels, her stories have found homes in anthologies published by Dragon Soul Press, and many more are in the works. Ask anyone who knows her, and they’ll tell you she’s a dedicated multi-crafter. She also enjoys blogging, chatting with authors and other creators on her monthly Sunday Spotlight, and classic cinema nights with her husband, dogs, and a big bowl of popcorn.

“I cried, I laughed, and I was angry. The ride was so worth it! This series was my introduction to reading this genre. I have found this to be some of the best writing, story telling and follow through on all character paths of any prior reading of any genre.”

Kindle customer review of The Starlight Chronicles, Tigris Vetus.

A Website.