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And you won’t have long to wait for publication! The conclusion to the Anurashin conflict and Selena’s prophetic journey will publish on a date that is special to me in fulfillment of my promise to myself. Stay tuned!

Thank you to all who have waited patiently for the final book. Ending a journey is harder for a story teller than you might think.


When destiny gives you three paths, choose the fourth.

That’s what Selena keeps telling herself while she and her pack regroup at her brother’s fishing lodge in Ketchikan after evading the alien prince intent on taking her.

When the pack arrives, the family reunion doesn’t go as expected. Dylan is changed in a way that shocks them all, and that’s not their only complication. Aviel’s brothers have sinister plans for the alphas, a vampire breaks supernatural law to enlist Selena’s help on a mission, driving a wedge between her and her mate, and a seer sends her visions of three distinct paths to her destiny.

Being a marked maiden means Selena is supposed to have the support of her pack on this journey foisted on her by fate. Instead, the once loner artist finds herself marching down Destiny’s twisting road with only her goddess-bestowed instincts for company, a slim hope she isn’t sacrificing the love of her life, and a desperate hope she has what it takes to bring down an alien prince.

Tigris Vetus

Selena and Elliott

When I got close enough to see light seeping underneath the bathroom door, I backed away. Before I could turn around, the door opened on a bare-chested, dragon-tattooed Elliott—again with the wet hair and rolled towel draped over his shoulders, looking hot as… Well, there was no denying Michael Elliott was just plain hot, an entirely different hot than my hotter-than-hot boyfriend.

There was also no denying he teased me with the memory of our encounter in his office when he dabbed the edges of the towel over his damp skin, midnight blue eyes sparkling, and arm muscles bulging. I swallowed. I might have even run my tongue over my lips much to my shame because his eyes blazed with his fire.

“Excuse me,” I said primly as I backed away.

“It’s all yours,” he said with a sweep of his hand. I doubted anyone could infuse more intimacy into those words.

Despite taking care not to brush against him as we traded places, I was close enough to see his inked dragon coiling around him… but I looked for that now.

I closed the door… a little too loudly and leaned against the polished pine panels to gather my wits. I jumped at the sound of his voice.


“What is it?”

“Open the door.” I complied and peered at him through a one-inch gap. “Don’t go too long harboring all those questions shimmering in your eyes. You can talk to me… About us. About Onyx. Anything that’s worrying you. Okay?” Nodding was the most I could manage before shutting the door again.

Selena and Mortas

“You are a puzzle that must be solved, Selena, but that’s my problem. I do apologize if I’ve created one for you as well.”

I huffed out my acknowledgment before sweeping aside the cover and hiking up my shirt. Nothing!

“It’s all healed!”

He stared a little too intently at my thigh before looking at me.

“It’s a vampire thing. You’re as good as new. There’s no need for you to think more about it.”

“Well then, I thank you.” I narrowed my eyes. “You’re leaving something out. I just hope my ignorance doesn’t get me in trouble.” That worry was met with more silent regard.

A thought occurred to me as I smoothed my shirt over my legs. “You’ve been doing your thing with my clothing again. You take a lot of liberties with my person, Mortas. Why can I never get mad at you?”

His snort of laughter was so human I gaped at him. My incredulous face caused more incongruous sounds, and his shoulders shook. I couldn’t help but join him. When tears ran down my face, he procured a tissue from the ether and handed it to me like a magician on a stage, and we laughed harder. Eventually, we quieted, and I blew my nose.

“Thanks. I needed that. I take it you’re none the worse for wear. Septimus was as vicious as you… until the end.”

“The only permanent damage was to my jacket.” His eyes glittered. “Thank you for putting out the flames that might have ended me.”

“That would be unthinkable.” The glittering softened into a warm glow.

I cleared my throat and asked him a question. “You drank Septimus’s wine, Mortas, after warning me not to. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get us out of our predicament. What happened?”

Andras and Selena

I rested my forehead against hers, closed my eyes, and summoned her Craftsman cottage and the two of us meshed together on her sofa surrounded by polished wood, stained-glass, and the richness of her creations. This was where my mind traveled when I needed balance. But instead of comfort, regret stabbed me. We’d strayed so far from her little artist haven.

My thoughts must have seeped out because she grasped my face and pinned me with her eyes. “Don’t. I’m right where I want to be. I didn’t mean to make you doubt that.”

I kissed her palm, then her lips, and kept going. We merged as one a second time and once again, I claimed her—just as she claimed me. The power of it and my lack of sleep lulled me into slumber.

Her words passed over me as I drifted away. “I love you so much, my beautiful bear.”

When my eyes opened again, the light in the room was a little less bright—a clue this far north that it was nearing evening—and I was alone. My neck stung. I probed the spot and drew away a speck of blood.

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D. L. Lewellyn is an independent author writing fantasy paranormal romance every chance she gets. A passion for writing took her by surprise in 2021 following a summer of voracious pandemic-induced reading in a new favorite genre, paranormal romance.​ Besides self-publishing The Starlight Chronicles novels, her stories have found homes in anthologies published by Dragon Soul Press, and many more are in the works. Ask anyone who knows her, and they’ll tell you she’s a dedicated multi-crafter. She also enjoys blogging, chatting with authors and other creators on her monthly Sunday Spotlight, and classic cinema nights with her husband, dogs, and a big bowl of popcorn.

“I cried, I laughed, and I was angry. The ride was so worth it! This series was my introduction to reading this genre. I have found this to be some of the best writing, story telling and follow through on all character paths of any prior reading of any genre.”

Kindle customer review of The Starlight Chronicles, Tigris Vetus.

A Website.