Spotlight Update with Artist Audrey Markowitz!

Last December I shared an inspiring chat in the world of art with my friend and artist Audrey Markowitz. Since then, she launched a new website and got busy creating a whole new portfolio of mixed media art sensations. Let’s check back in for some inspiration.

Thanks for dropping by my blog Audrey! I can’t believe it has been a year. I’ve been watching your collection of stunning pieces grow and wanted an opportunity to check in and find out what this past year has brought you.

Can you share the highlights?

AM. It’s been an awesome year!  Created a website:; had a wonderful first show at the Silver State Art Festival where I sold a number of pieces; and had the opportunity to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and take a 3-day abstract painting workshop.

I also just found out that one of my pieces “Birdwatching 101” was selected to appear in the Depot Gallery of the Sierra Art Foundation’s “Mixed Matched, Made Whole!” exhibit in January. This exhibit runs from January 6th through January 28th.  Gallery hours are Friday-Sundays 12 to 5.  And there will be a reception for the artists on January 20th from 1 to 4 pm.  (Photo of the piece on the next page.)

DLL. This is charming and so fun to delve into. I love the quote, and I wonder who is watching whom? I’m so exited you have an art show this month! I can’t wait.

I’ve learned that each decade brings new growth to my creativity. You’re my model for that and it’s a theme in your teaching. This last year had you transition from teaching art to focusing on your personal creativity. Has it gone as you expected, or brought even more surprises?

AM. It has gone even better than I expected.  I discovered a joy and happiness in creating art I have never experienced! Mixed media is definitely my calling: Here are a couple that I will bring to my shows next year.  

I took a couple of months to study and experiment with abstract painting when I went to Santa Fe and worked with an amazing abstract painter and teacher. I have found that abstract art liberates the artist from traditional norms and encourages one to play with color and texture and shape in different ways.  It has invited me to break away from the limitations of realism, where my own individuality and personal expression can thrive. As Dr. Eric Kandel explains, abstract art challenges our brains to create our own explanations, thereby stimulating higher-level areas of the brain that are responsible for imagination and creativity. The process increases our tolerance for less familiar and even completely alien situations, making us more flexible.  I wonder if my husband would agree that I’m more flexible!

Here are a few abstract paintings that are part of my Andromeda Series:

DLL. This is exactly the thing you instilled in me. Never quit learning! I’m thrilled you had this experience and brought it home to take flight. Lovely, lovely pieces. Mixed media is my favorite way to express art as well because of the endless possibilities and combinations of mediums. I’m happy to say the same for writing fantasy romance.

I can picture you smiling in your studio, lost in your art. You had an opportunity to build a new creative space this year. What improvements have you made, what’s different or the same, and how much has it played a part in your productivity and satisfaction?

AM. I have improved the lighting in my studio over my easel.  And I continue acquiring more art supplies (if possible!!) I think the wonderful space I have created for myself plays a huge part in my productivity and satisfaction. It’s definitely my “happy place!”

DLL. I’m happy just looking at it! Especially when your fluffy sweet studio pal is in residence!

Part of your experience this year has been attending shows. Can you give us the highlights? And what’s coming up / planned for next year?

AM. As I wanted to build up a body of work, I participated in one show this year.  It was the Silver State Art Show at Fuji park.  As it was my first, I didn’t know if I’d even sell one painting.  As it turned out, I sold 4!  One of the highlights was the sale of one of my favorites, “Big Hugs!”   It’s a 24” x 24” piece.

Next year I plan to do three different shows (One of them being the Silver State…). I will announce these shows on my website when I solidify my participation.

DLL. Fantastic! Congratulations on the success of your first show.

There are so many wonderful pieces for sale on your website. And I’ve watched so many more being sold. Has this also met your expectations, or exceeded it?

AM. Yes, website sales have exceeded my expectations.  In fact, I need to add more paintings and make some cosmetic changes which will separate the pages by type of art and pieces sold.  It’s starting to get crowded!

DLL. That is so inspiring to hear. Congratulations again!

Do you have any plans to return to teaching? Can I put a plug in here for at least one class a year? 😄

AM. LOL!  I have been asked by a number of you wonderful people, (who I miss dearly) if I would maybe do one class a year!  I am thinking about some sort of mixed media class!

DLL. That is exactly what I hoped you’d say. Yay!

Thank you so much for visiting, Audrey!! All the best to you in the next year and I can’t wait to see your next body of work.

You can follow Audrey’s work, support her art, and join her community on her website and Facebook page.

The best New Year to all of you and thank you for visiting!


My blogs are me, coming up for air… When I have musings I want to share… When I think, hey! You might care about an idea you also might share.


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D. L. Lewellyn is an independent author writing fantasy paranormal romance every chance she gets. A passion for writing took her by surprise in 2021 following a summer of voracious pandemic-induced reading in a new favorite genre, paranormal romance.​ Besides self-publishing The Starlight Chronicles novels, her stories have found homes in anthologies published by Dragon Soul Press, and many more are in the works. Ask anyone who knows her, and they’ll tell you she’s a dedicated multi-crafter. She also enjoys blogging, chatting with authors and other creators on her monthly Sunday Spotlight, and classic cinema nights with her husband, dogs, and a big bowl of popcorn.

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A Website.