Do You Come up With Weird Ways to Showcase Your Novel?

Ideas Pop Up, and I’ve Been Going With Them – For Good or Bad

Here are a couple recent ones.

I would love to hear your photo op ideas or the odd places you leave your books to get them out in the world. Or even those odd places you picked up a book to read.

Now this one was just plain fun! I got to cruise in this 500 hp beauty for Hot August Nights. 55 T-Bird convertible.

Tori’s 72 Chevy C10. She’s the friend with the friend with the T-Bird. Hubby and I had a blast!

Feel free to pick up a copy of Ursus Borealis the normal way at your favorite bookstore!


My blogs are me, coming up for air… When I have musings I want to share… When I think, hey! You might care about an idea you also might share.


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D. L. Lewellyn is an independent author writing fantasy paranormal romance every chance she gets. A passion for writing took her by surprise in 2021 following a summer of voracious pandemic-induced reading in a new favorite genre, paranormal romance.​ Besides self-publishing The Starlight Chronicles novels, her stories have found homes in anthologies published by Dragon Soul Press, and many more are in the works. Ask anyone who knows her, and they’ll tell you she’s a dedicated multi-crafter. She also enjoys blogging, chatting with authors and other creators on her monthly Sunday Spotlight, and classic cinema nights with her husband, dogs, and a big bowl of popcorn.

“I cried, I laughed, and I was angry. The ride was so worth it! This series was my introduction to reading this genre. I have found this to be some of the best writing, story telling and follow through on all character paths of any prior reading of any genre.”

Kindle customer review of The Starlight Chronicles, Tigris Vetus.

A Website.